October 17, 2023

Episode 2:

Wake Up, Lead Right – The Battle Against Business Ego

Unlock the secrets to business mastery in our transformative class designed for ambitious entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts. Dive deep into real, actionable strategies to conquer the ego and unleash your soul’s potential. Learn the CALE principle, a profound revelation of the universe’s Consistent And Limitless Expansion, and discover how to align your soul and business with this powerful force.

In this class, explore the captivating narrative of lost and revived business deals, proving life’s non-random, structured existence. Uncover the three pivotal principles of personal and business transformation, emphasizing the impact of every thought, word, and action on your success journey.

Episode 2: Wake Up, Lead Right - The Battle Against Business Ego

Breaking the Chains of Ego in Business Leadership

Leadership in the corporate world isn’t just about strategy, decision-making, and managing teams. Beneath these layers lies an inner battle – the conflict between our conscious self and the ego. Ever caught yourself making a decision that seemed irrational in hindsight? It’s likely the ego at play. From the insidious pull of “just doing enough” to the stifling grasp of fear, the ego manifests in myriad ways, impacting our effectiveness and the growth trajectory of our businesses.

But what if you could identify and confront these ego types, paving the way for transformative leadership?

The Ego’s Masquerade: From laziness to anger, the ego dons many masks. Each guise directly affects business growth, innovation, collaboration, and, ultimately, success. And while these manifestations might seem diverse, their root is singular. The ego thrives on stagnancy, control, and resistance to change. It’s the unseen opponent, the subconscious puppeteer of our actions.

Unlocking Growth: As leaders, understanding the “7-minute presence” concept and the three pillars of self-understanding could be the key to unlock unparalleled growth. It’s a journey, one that involves delving deep into ourselves and recognizing the non-random nature of our actions, the essence of human existence, and the true barriers to success.

A Vision for the Future: The ‘Wake up And Realize’ (WAR) strategy is not just a reactive approach but a proactive one. It’s about continuously evolving, being vigilant, and ensuring that our leadership isn’t bogged down by the ego’s limitations. With individual transformation, we set the foundation for organizational evolution.

The Path Ahead: This is not a battle to be won overnight. It’s a journey of continuous awareness, action, and growth. But with the right insights and tools, leadership can be liberated from the ego’s confines. Imagine a business world where leadership is conscious, innovative, and genuinely collaborative. That’s the world we strive for. Are you ready to journey beyond the ego?


  • Key Points:
    • Conscious self vs. ego influences decisions.
    • Nine ego types can block business success.
    • “7-minute presence” and three pillars promote self-awareness.
    • Use “WAR Strategy” to tackle ego behaviors.
    • Personal growth leads to organizational evolution.

Goal: Empower leaders to rise above ego for effective leadership.


Recap & Takeaways

Dive into the heart of leadership’s unseen adversary: the ego. Navigate through its nine manifestations in the business world and discover actionable strategies to elevate your leadership style. With real-world examples, the “Wake up And Realize (WAR) Strategy,” and insights into corporate ego dynamics, this guide is your blueprint to becoming a more enlightened and impactful leader.

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